7 Jun 2019 by Mathew Vukasin

Fairfield Council have closed all of their parks for Saturday and Sunday due to “Wet Weather”. I’m sure that you find this as ridiculous as we do. I have been in contact directly with Fairfield Council and they will not move on their decision. Not even leaving it up to club’s discretion. The affected fields for Saturday & Sunday are;

• Allambie Reserve (Syd Jnrs)
• Brenan Park (Fairfield Pats)
• Hartleys Oval (Lansvale / FC Eagles)
• Joe Broad Reserve (Mount Pritchard)
• Powhatan St Reserve (AC Utd)
• Prospect View Park (Fairfield Hotspurs)
• Stockdale Reserve (Freeman Sports)
• Bonnyrigg Sports Ground (Bonnyrigg FC)

Fairfield Council have determined that they will leave it up to the home Club’s discretion to open fields on Monday. Monday’s fields are listed below. These games will be going ahead unless advised by the host club that they are unplayable. We will update you if any Park is closed on Monday. Please consider them open unless we advise you by Facebook & Team App

• Stockdale Reserve
• Powhatan St Reserve
• Allambie Reserve

We as your Association are extremely disappointed with their decision and have canvassed them to change their mind. They will not shift their position. Their decision puts our Association in a difficult position. For those residents of Fairfield, feel free to contact Fairfield Council and lodge your complaint. The phone number to call is 9725 0232.

All Liverpool fields are open for the long weekend

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.